Tuesday, January 24, 2023

changes in PHP 8


Other breaking changes.

There are many other (breaking) changes in PHP 8, including significant changes to the return types of select, but often-used, functions, resources being turned into Value Objects and more. Examples for GD, OpenSSL, Sockets, XML, Zlib, substr() et al.

Above we’ve tried to highlight the ones that are likely to directly impact WordPress (and many other legacy systems) in a significant way. We’ve based this overview on the excellent guide “What’s new in PHP 8” on stitcher.io and the PHP 8 upgrade guide. For more information we refer you to those sources.

Part 2: Compatibility challenges

To make an existing codebase compatible with a new version of PHP, there are a couple of different strategies that can be deployed for discovery:

  • Static analysis tools like PHPCompatibility to detect syntactic issues.
  • Automated testing to detect runtime issues.
  • Manual testing to detect runtime issues.

Depending on the coverage of your test suite and the proportion of runtime and syntactic changes, these strategies serve as a good basis for fixing the compatibility of a codebase with a new version of PHP. However, in the case of WordPress and PHP 8, there are quite a few extra challenges which makes it hard to rely on these strategies for fixing compatibility and declaring WordPress compatible with PHP 8. Below we’ll report on which strategies have been deployed for WordPress and what the results were.

Static analysis tools

Due to the nature of some of the changes in PHP 8.0, the issues which can be found using static analysis are limited. And in those cases where static analysis tries to go beyond their traditional capabilities and tries to trace the runtime type and value of variables and constants, the results of such scans will be very prone to false positives.

Aside from that, PHPCompatibility is the only static analysis tool dedicated to finding issues related to PHP cross-version compatibility.

Other static analysis tools will report on a far larger scope of issues. Wading through the results to find the issues which are related to PHP cross-version compatibility and actually correct, is very time-consuming and requires in-depth knowledge of the tooling to configure them for the least amount of noise.

At the same time these tools are in constant flux, trying to keep up with the changes in PHP and updating the available scans, so independently of what has been and can be found at this time, chances are that these tools will find still more issues in the (near) future.

Scanning WordPress with PHPCompatibility

Issues reported early on in the WP 5.6 dev cycle and fixed since based on PHPCompatibility scans:

Another PHP 8 issue detected by PHPCompatibility is “__destruct() will no longer be called after die() in __construct()”. This is correctly detected by the scanner, but upon further analysis has been determined not to be problematic in this particular case.

PHPCompatibility has also detected an issue in code used by the Plugin/Theme editor. Analyses of the involved code has determined there is an underlying oversight in the code. WordPress tries to do minimal analysis of the code in the editor, but doesn’t take PHP 5.3+ (namespaced) code into account. This oversight will now just be made more complex to solve while taking related changes in PHP 8.0 into account.

Scans with PHPCompatibility have been run with the develop version. No version has been released yet containing the PHP 8 specific scans.

Issues detected by the scanner in externally maintained dependencies have been reported there.

Scanning WordPress with Exakat

As of the latest public scan, based on WP trunk of October 16th, Exakat reports a total of 149.567 issues.

Exakat dashboard screenshot

The PHP 8 compatibility report contains a total of 93 issues, but is incomplete as a number of analyses relevant for PHP 8 are not (yet) included in the report.

Exakat report

The “worst” offender based on the PHP 8.0 compatibility report, is parameters in method declarations in child classes being named differently from the parameter in the parent class. This is incompatible with the new PHP 8.0 “named parameters in function calls” feature.

This has been reported in issue Trac 51553 and a patch for this has been attached to the ticket, but has not yet been committed.

Other tasks which ought to be executed to prepare for named parameters in function calls have been listed in this ticket as well, including an action list for one of these tasks. No action has been taken on any of these so far.

The 12 “Unsupported Types with Operators” warnings are mostly false positives and this has been reported to Exakat.

More worrisome are the 14.679 issues reported for using the wrong argument type, 14.135 issues for wrong type with call, 15.605 issues reported for wrong number of arguments, 801 wrong type for native PHP function and 25 wrong parameter type issues.

While it is expected that these reports will contain a large number of false positives as WordPress doesn’t use type declarations and the types are therefore extrapolated from the code found and the types indicated in docblocks, these issues should still be examined individually. Even if only just 1% of the found issues is correct, that would still come down to ~450 errors which still need to be dealt with. Quite apart from the huge amount of time needed to weed out the real issues from the false positives. At the time of writing, the author is not aware of any efforts being made to examine these reports and identify and fix these issues.

A few of the analysis reports by Exakat for other issues related to PHP 8, not contained in the PHP 8.0 compatibility report, have been examined. Patches for these have been submitted and committed over the last week. This includes:

  • A fix for a PHP 8.0 fatal error in the WP Revisions module.
  • A fix for a PHP 8.0 warning in the pomo library.

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